"I love Law & Order."
-- crystal (4.4.04)
"This is wonderful! I love Law & Order!!!"
-- Kimberlee Heinsohn (3.30.04)
"dear oliva I love your fine work in svu.I''m 10 and I watch your show how do you do that I always wanted to be a dective just like you please write back. by the way Ilove your pictur . IM sorry for the epsoad when your mother died. I cryed."
-- Talissa Rose (3.30.04)
"Chris Noth is soooooo cool!"
-- Lexi (1.15.03)
"I just ran across your website for the first time. It's wonderful! And I have to say, it was sorely needed. Yours is probably the most informative and comprehensive L&O site I've come across. Most of the sites I've found haven't been updated in ages or have very little useful content. You have information I haven't seen anywhere else. I'm glad I stumbled onto your site.
I have a site I would love for you to consider for your "links" page. It's called In The Criminal Justice System and contains original L&O fiction that I have written. Please let me know if you would be interested in adding it to your list. I would be forever grateful.
I'm going to bookmark your site so I can explore it when I have more time. Keep up the good work!
-- Donna (1.1.03)
I highly recommend the abovementioned site. You can link directly to it from here, or from LINKS.
"Great job keep up the great work."
-- Shanti (11.4.02)
"Great page! I love the color pictures of all the characters."
-- Deb (10..19.02)
"Love your web site. I have just a few suggestions. I think the casebook should be by season, not alphabetical. I had a very difficult time trying to find out when cast members joined/left L&O and for which reasons. I’ve made a list maybe you can add to your site. Under each name, I’ve listed their first/last episodes and reasons why the character left (if known). This is just for the original series. Hope this is of use to you.
-- Cripster (10.9.02)
I think this is an extremely useful resource, and I'm sure many others will find it likewise. SEE BELOW
Greevey: (#1 – Prescription For Death) Original Cast Member
(#23 - Confession) Gunned down before testifying against the mob
Cerrata: (#23 – Confession) Replaces Greevey as Logan’s partner)
(#52 – Prince Of Darkness) Shot twice during undercover drug deal
Briscoe: (#52 – Prince Of Darkness) Replaces Cerrata as Logan’s partner)
Robinette: (#1 – Prescription For Death) Original Cast Member
(#66 – Benevolence) Leave’s DA office for private practice
**(#125 – Custody) Reprises role, but appears as defense attorney**
Cragen: (#1 – Prescription For Death) Original Cast Member
(#66 - Benevolence) Last episode (in the original)
[He was promoted to the Anti-Corruption Task Force then moved on to Special Victims-Jason]
Van Buren: (#67 - Sweeps) Transfers to homicide from narcotics, replaces Cragen
Kincaid: (#67 - Sweeps) Replaces ADA Robinette
(#134 – Aftershock) Involved in serious car accident. Hinted later she may have died.
Stone:(#1 – Prescription For Death) Original Cast Member
(#88 – Old Friends) Resigns after mob witness he forced to testify is killed
McCoy: (#89 – Second Opinion) Replaces EADA Stone
Logan: (#1 – Prescription For Death) Original Cast Member
(#111 – Pride) Transferred to Staten Island after punching a City Councilman
Curtis: (#112 – Bitter Fruit) Replaces Logan as Briscoe’s partner
(#205 – Refugee Pt 2) Quits to care for his family, wife diagnosed with MS
Green: (#206 - Gunshow) Replaces Curtis as Briscoe’s partner
Ross: (#135 – Causa Mortis) Replaces ADA Kincaid
(#181 – Monster) Leaves DA’s office to spend time with children due to custody lawsuit
**(#210 – Justice) Reprises role, but appears as defense attorney**
Carmichael: (#182 – Cherished) Replaces ADA Ross
(#253 – Deep Vote) Leaves DA’s office for job with the Justice Dept.
Schiff:(#1 – Prescription For Death) Original Cast Member
(#253 – Deep Vote) Retires
Southerlyn: (#254 – Who Let The Dogs Out) Replaces ADA Carmichael
Lewin: (#254 – Who Let The Dogs Out) Becomes interim DA after replacing DA Schiff
(#277 – Patriot) Interim term ended
Branch: (#278 – American Jihad) Replaces interim DA Lewin

"Your Law and Order site is great except that I'm wondering if the Summary section will be underlined by all the episodes."
-- Ken (9.18.02)
I hope one day to have most if not all episode summarized -- I just haven't yet been able to talk my employer into giving me a two-year leave of absence!
"I just discovered your site and I'm so thrilled that there are others out there who love L&O as much as I do!!"
-- Shane (9.18.02)
"My hubby is an ex-cop from Detroit and says Law and Order is the most realistic police show he has ever seen. So. we watch it together and are thrilled at Monday and Tuesday''s showing of the series. Thanks much! Keep up the good work!" -- Judy (9.17.02)
"I was wondering if maybe you know why Law and Order never finishes the storylines they start in season finales, such as Steven Hill's last episode, when they are about to receive a Supreme Court verdict concerning Colonel Pantoya. Why do they never end the story?" -- DH (9.13.02)
As the TV ad says, "No Hollywood Endings!" As in life, we're sometimes left with more questions than we are answers.
"Greetings! I just saw the episode "Monster" on TNT last week, and I was eager to see how Lenny Briscoe handled the offer made (a con told Briscoe if Briscoe got the current charges against him dropped, the con would have the drug dealer who killed Lenny's daughter executed), but then TNT reran the season! Do you know how they resolved his situation in the episode "Cherished"? I know McCoy got a mild censure and Adam kept his position." -- James L. (9.13.02)
"Can you tell me what Jeffries (Law & Order SVU) did to cause her to be assigned to desk duty and sue the police department?" -- Julia (9.10.02)
"Thanks for maintaining this website - you're doing a great job. Keep up the good work." -- Janet S. (9.2.02)
"Sorry to bother you, but I had a question about the show. In between scenes, when they say, for example, "Office of so and so, 11am blah blah" WHAT is that "bump bump" sound and why do they do that? Just curious." DB (9.1.02)
"This is the best series of shows ever !!!!!!!!" -- Harry D. (8.15.02)
"As a long time viewer of Law and Order, I would like to tell you who I think is an asset to your show, and who you are losing your audience by having star in it: Jesse L. Green - stopped watching (not interested in him) Jerry Orbach - fabulous! He''s the whole show. Angie Harmon - took time to get used to her, too beautiful to be believable. Dianne Wiest - the absolute worst replacement for Steven Hill, ANYONE but her would have worked. She acts no different than the airhead she was in Edward Scissorhands....she can''t even act, obviously! You have turned me off your new episodes completely! At least you have re-runs and I love your Criminal Intent series. Thanks for the great TV!" -- Cathy B. (8.15.02)
"Law & Order is simply great! Too bad Ben Stone left..." -- Roberto (8.9.02)
"Hi everybody! I don´t know where else to write, so please forgive me, I need something to know. In which episode starred John Steven Sutherland in a supporting role? I don´t know where to find out. I would be very thankfull if you could tell me or help me somehow to find it out. Thanks very much, I am looking forward to your answer. Bye." -- Dani (8.8.02)
"I don't have a review of an episode but a question. I've been watching the show for a while, mostly the current ones and the re-runs when I have a chance. What I am curious about is what happened to Angie Harmon's character ADA Carmichael? If you get a chance and can reply I would appreciate it.
Thanks." -- RGS (8.7.02)
Abbie Carmichael quit the DA's office to accept a job with the U.S. Department of Justice.
"Hi, great site. I just got into this show about a year and a half ago, and while thanks to A&E and TNT I can play catchup, I still haven't been able to figure out how Adam Schiff left and how Diane Weiss' character was introduced. Can you help me out here? Thanks a lot." -- Tom (8.4.02)
Adam Schiff retired and went to work for the Wiesenthal Holocaust Museum in Vienna. This was mentioned in the first episode of Season 11, when Nora Lewin was introduced to the staff as his interim replacement by Mayor Rudy Guliani.
"I'm looking for the song that was playing in the background when Curtis was with the college woman...Jennifer Garner in the episode Aftershock...the song is when they’re makin out in her dorm room and it’s awesome...any help would be awesome and I love the site...Can you help me if you know what the song is..." -- E. Price (8.2.02)
The song was "Wild Horses" by The Sundays.
"Great site! Lots of info. I'll be back often." -- macbee (7.19.02)